Project Padawan | A Star Wars Fan Podcast for the Beginner

Project Padawan | A Star Wars Fan Podcast for the Beginner

Making Sense of the “Kessel Run in Less Than 12 Parsecs” – TS#7

August 26, 2016

Throughout the saga of Star Wars there are many famous quotes. Though a variety of characters say these storied lines, Han Solo seems to have quite a few. From "I've got a bad feeling about this" to "Your worshipfulness", Solo sure does know his way around words. But, one of his famous lines has sparked some discussion and interest. Claiming that the Millennium Falcon is the fastest ship around, he claims that "it made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs." But, what does that really mean? Let's dive deeper into what a parsec is and why it is important to this particular "star wars-ism."