Professional Christian Coaching Today

Professional Christian Coaching Today

Latest Episodes

090 Career Coaching with Susan Whitcomb, PCC
June 20, 2017

  According to Forbes Magazine, only 19% of all US and Canadian workers report being satisfied with their work, with an additional 16% saying they are somewhat satisfied. That leaves a full 69% of workers who are not happy with their...

089 The Leader as Coach
June 13, 2017

Leaders can increase both their impact and effectiveness when they consciously step into a coach’s mindset and heartset. In today’s episode, we’ll share and discuss portions of Chris McCluskey’s inspiring keynote speech at Convene’s 2015...

088 Powerful Questioning
June 06, 2017

Asking powerful questions helps your client maximize discovery, gain clarity, create new possibilities, and shift paradigms. In this episode, Dr. Andrew Gorter unpacks this key ICF competency with helpful definitions, great examples, and Biblical...

087 Deep Work for Christian Coaches
May 30, 2017

Our hyperconnected world offers constant distractions. Yet, as coaches and entrepreneurs, it’s important to focus and bring our best selves to all we do. In his best-selling book, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, Cal...

086 Creating Effective Mission Statements
May 23, 2017

Do you or your clients ever rush from project to project and crisis to crisis without stopping to plan for the life you really want? Our days are too few and too important to spend aimlessly and without intention. Yet all too often, that’s where we...

085 The Prayer-Saturated Business
May 16, 2017

There’s a supernatural way to overcome the busy-ness of your business, and it’s accessible to you 24/7. When you feel like there’s too much to do and too little time, money, and energy to do it, prayer sometimes becomes a last resort. But just...

084 Master-Full Coaching with Brent O’Bannon
May 09, 2017

Listen in as Brent O’Bannon coaches a business leader through a tough team decision in this demonstration of Master-Full coaching. This coaching session is a great example of professional grade Leadership Coaching.   In this episode you’ll...

083 ​View From the Top
May 02, 2017

We know that "life's a journey, not a destination," yet we still experience struggles with navigating that journey. Join us for some encouragement and wisdom from Aaron Walker, a man who truly knows what it's like to struggle up the mountain......

082 Dr. Les Parrott on Pre-Marital & Marriage Coaching
April 25, 2017

Using a proactive approach to pre-marital and marriage coaching is now easier than ever with the new SYMBIS Assessment developed by Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott. In today’s interview, Dr. Les Parrott shares how coaches can use this new tool to help...

081 Relationship Marketing: How to Tell People You Already Know About What You Do
April 18, 2017

Got clients? If so, this episode may not be for you. But if you're among the hundreds of coaches we've heard from that struggle with securing clients to build their business, this episode was designed with you in mind. You've got your coaching...
