Professional Christian Coaching Today

Professional Christian Coaching Today

Latest Episodes

100 Christian Coaching: Answering the Call to a Worldwide Movement
August 29, 2017

As a Christian coach, who you are and the work you do both changes lives and shapes cultures. In honor of our 100th episode of the Professional Christian Coaching Today podcast, Chris McCluskey, the father of Christian Coaching, issues an inspiring...

099 5-Minute Marketing Habits
August 22, 2017

Challenged by marketing? Most coaches are, but we’ve got bite-sized solutions that can be applied to your business as well as to the work you do with your clients. Join us as we take the power of habit formation and funnel it into a system you can...

098 Jeff Goins on “Real Artists Don’t Starve” – Part 2
August 15, 2017

Today, we continue discussions with Jeff Goins on the importance of embracing your passions and gifts, and how to share them with the world. If you haven’t already, listen to part one and embrace your identity. Then, continue with part two and...

097 Jeff Goins on “Real Artists Don’t Starve” – Part 1
August 08, 2017

  Many coaches wonder if they can really make a living doing what they are passionate about. Today, we’ll discuss the importance of embracing your passions and gifts and taking the necessary risks to bring them to the world.   Unlock...

096 When Coaching Clients Need Counseling
August 01, 2017

To coach or not to coach: that is the question many coaches ask when their clients take a turn for the worse. In today’s episode, we have valuable information for all coaches on:   Identifying when a coaching client needs counseling How to...

095 Setting Meaningful Goals
July 25, 2017

Are you tired of setting goals but not reaching them? Perhaps the goals were too lofty, life’s busyness got in the way, or you hit a roadblock you didn’t know how to overcome. Whatever the difficulty, coaching can help! In today’s episode,...

094 Coaching Presence (ICF Competency #4)
July 18, 2017

Imagine being with someone who is fully present… Giving you their full attention… With you and for you as you share. That’s the heart of ICF Competency #4, Coaching Presence, and in today’s episode, Vicki Corrington, PCC will help us grow...

093 Gift-ology: The Beauty & Strength of Gift-Giving in Business
July 11, 2017

Gift-ology is the unique, generous approach to initiating and strengthening relationships. In today’s interview with John Ruhlin, author of Gift-ology, you’ll learn how to use gift giving to bless others while growing your coaching business....

092 The Successful Coach: Michael Powers
July 04, 2017

Do you wonder what it takes to become a successful coach? Would you like a behind-the-scenes look of how it’s really done?   If you said “yes” then you’re in for a treat today! We’ve got the information and encouragement you need...

091 Transformation Through Mastermind Groups
June 27, 2017

Have you ever wondered why people participate in mastermind groups? Today, you can be a “fly on the wall” in a live mastermind group to see what really happens and to determine if joining one is a good fit for you.  In this episode: Hear...
