Product Stories

Product Stories

#5 The Future of Productivity w/ Paul Joyce, CEO of Geckoboard

March 03, 2015

This episode we talk to Paul Joyce, CEO of Geckoboard, about the future of productivity, data visualisation and life after the City of London.

Paul Joyce is CEO of Geckoboard, an online dashboard that motivates teams with metrics. After working in the City of London building massive data warehouses for banks, Paul had the entrepreneurial itch, convinced that meaningful metrics shouldn’t be hidden. Five years later, following an investment round that included Index Ventures, Geckoboard is becoming an essential tool for many businesses.

Geckoboard is a killer data visualisation tool. No self-respecting tech startup can do without Geckoboard plugged into a massive LCD screen in their office. So I’m happy to have Paul on the show to talk data visualisation and tell us the story behind Geckoboard.