Product Stories

Product Stories

#2 Electric Paint + Creative Technology w/ Isabel Lizardi of Bare Conductive

February 09, 2015

Second episode already? Yup. We're gonna give this a proper go.

For this episode we spoke to Isabel Lizardi, one of the founders of Bare Conductive. We went into the story behind how they got their first product to market and spent some time discussing the intersection between education, art and electronics.

Bare Conductive are a design and technology company based in East London. They have a founding team of four people, which as well as Isabel Lizardi, includes Matt Johnson, Bibi Nelson and Becky Pilditch. They all met at the RCA on the IDE MA course, where they worked as a team on a project to turn the human body into a circuit board. To do this, they needed to create a conductive ink, and the idea behind their product was born.

Nearly five years later, after working out of Matt’s flat, getting a grant to start the businesses, a Kickstarter campaign, a bunch of off-shoot products and many community projects, Bare Conductive are an established force in creative electronics.

If you want to find out more about Bare Conductive, the Touch Board and their Electric Paint, check out this nice piece the Guardian wrote on the team in 2014. If you want to get hold of one of their kits, a Touch Board or a tube of Eletric Paint, head over to their online store. And you can follow the new chapters of their story on their Twitter and Facebook pages.

Also, if you wanna see the Calvin Harris "Humanthesizer" video we mentioned, you can check it out here.

I tried a slightly different interview technique on this episode. I'm going to keep trying different techniques to figure out what works. Hope you liked the more organic flow.