Modern Mentor

Modern Mentor

Latest Episodes

Four work lessons I’ve learned from my clients
January 17, 2023

My clients teach me lessons I dont always recognize as such in the moment. But I really do leave every engagement just a little smarter in one way or another.

The power of self-awareness at work
January 10, 2023

As you know if youve ever tried to read a mall map, you cant get to where you want to go without first finding that you are here marker.

How asking “who” and “what” can help you find your “why”
January 03, 2023

If youre feeling in need of a little bit of boost, lets talk purpose, and how you can find and breathe life into yours.

Is there any escape from the 40-hour workweek?
December 27, 2022

If you're struggling with the 40-hour workweek, it might be time to ask yourself what specifically might be plaguing you. From there you can create change for yourself.

How to be more strategic at work
December 20, 2022

I realized that what she was asking me in not so many words was if I could help her team just be more strategic. And yeah. I could do that.

How to use LinkedIn like a pro
December 13, 2022

Emily Crookston has schooled me on how to use LinkedIn to reach my professional goals.

Communication missteps to avoid in 2023
December 06, 2022

Communication is one of the most important things we all need to dowhatever our profession of choice

What to do when virtues go wrong
November 29, 2022

Even the most virtuous behaviors can turn rotten if left unchecked.

Turn Your Critics Into Fuel for Success
November 21, 2022

Cheerleading is great. But sometimes, its exactly the opposite we need to hear.

The SIMPLE answers to common leadership questions
November 14, 2022

What I love about SIMPLE coaching is that it leans just a little bit on teaching concepts, and focuses mostly on practicing, challenging, and problem-solving as leaders actually start using the concep
