The Mr. Producer Show

The Mr. Producer Show

TMPS118 Part 3: Matt’s Nerd News - Star Trek Ratings

October 08, 2014

We’re trying a new experiment with the show this week.  Rather than putting out one long 2 to 3 hour show, we’re splitting the show up into 30 to 45 minute segments to release Monday thru Thursday during the week.

We also plan on doing a “StudioFUBAR” episode on Fridays, with the best clips from all the RadioFUBAR shows that Mr. P finds during the preceeding week.


Segment 3 of the show is going to become Matt’s Nerd News.  You’ll be hearing this in podcast form on Wednesdays.

This week, we started to talk about news for the upcoming Star Trek 3 movie, but almost immediately took it into rating the Star Trek movies from the TOS and TNG Eras.

Don’t forget, the Mr. Producer Show can be heard LIVE on Saturdays at 8pm CST (in it’s entirety).