Procom Jobcast

Procom Jobcast

Procom Jobcast - Episode 17 (2013, Week 4) - January 21st, 2013

January 21, 2013

You may have the skills and experience for your dream role, but there are still factors that can stop you getting the role. Is your digital footprint inconsistent with your resume? Did you leave a bad taste in your manager's mouth when leaving a previous role? Are you an over-demanding candidate?

This week's Procom Jobcast tackles addresses such issues to ensure that when your next opportunity comes knocking, you are able to capture it.

Aizaz Sheikh, Procom's marketing lead drops by to promote the Procom Ability Prize, a community initiative rewarding academic and extra-curricular excellence amongst Procom's consultant and client communities.

This weeks hot jobs include 2 contracts in Downtown Toronto - a Technical Systems Analyst, and a Senior Reports Developer.