Proclaim Radio with John Fonville

Proclaim Radio with John Fonville

027 Behind the Scenes - Getting to Know John Fonville

May 25, 2017

This podcast gives us an inside look into the life of John Fonville and his faith journey. Did you know that he lost his voice for seven years? God used that trail to awaken the Gospel in his life. Hear what that was like. What are devos like at his home? What are some of his favorite authors?

Below is the list of authors and books we mentioned in the podcast.

"Valley of Vision" Puritan Prayers

"Institutes" by John Calvin

Martin Luther (All Works)

"Commentary on Galatians" by Martin Luther

Thomas Boston (All Works)

Ralph Erskine (All Works)

"The Gospel for Real Life" by Jerry Bridges

Michael Horton (All works) Host of The White Horse Inn

"Preaching the Whole Bible As Christian Scripture; Gospel and Kingdom" by Graeme Goldsworthy

The Heidelberg Catechism