Preservation State

Preservation State

39 | Mail Order Misogyny

October 31, 2014


Our friend Brett lost his dog Chase during the show. Our hearts go out to him and his family.

Mail Order Misogyny

Video professionals opportunity

– Creating developer movies for iOS



I dug your recent podcast on Sons of Anarchy. If you watch Game of Thrones, you may enjoy the podcast A Pod of Casts, as I do.

I read a story about mail-order monkeys that reminded me of Kenny. The description of gushing blood had me laughing, but the monkey’s obvious suffering tempered this mirth.

The Monkey

I saw your Tweet about using Final Cut Pro to make app previews. I recently completed my app’s preview using iMovie. Apple appears to be steering folks from iMovie to Final Cut Pro for app-preview creation. I say this because the selection of title formats in iMovie for app previews is limited and amateurish-looking. $400 for Final Cut Pro is well outside my budget, however.


Josh from Berkley

Tim Cook officially comes out.

do we want to address this at all?

The Gate

Flare 2 – Mac OS – $9.99 on sale ($14.99)


Flare Effects – iOS – $0

App Store

Pixelmator for iPad – $4.99

The App

• Handoff with the Mac app

• Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus

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