Prepper Podcast Radio Network

Prepper Podcast Radio Network

The UK Prepper 20 Sept 2015

September 20, 2015

This week I begin my show with Thoughts on Prepping, then the Blizzard Survival 10% Discount offer, As Preppers Have We Forgotten the Basics? What Is The Scariest Object In The World? The Ribzwear 30% Discount offer, Stop a Heart Attack in a Minute, Preparing Your Vehicle for Winter, Training in the wet, the Wilderness121 10% Discount offer, Camp-Fire Squirrel, Basic Bug-in Kits, the Midimax 10% Discount offer, Planning an Emergency Shelter, the Fieldleisure 10% Discount offer, Hope for the Best and Plan for the Worst, the BUGGRUB 10% Discount offer, Bug-In or Bug-Out, Route Planning, the Hunters-Knives 10% Discount offer,  Being Ready for a Dirty Bomb