pntcast – Surmise Media

pntcast – Surmise Media

Latest Episodes

Episode 091: “Professor” Thomas and “The Haunted Mansion”
May 13, 2016

In the first installment of her history of cocktail luminaries, Kate digs into the life of imbibing’s Johnny Appleseed. Then we watch “The Haunted Mansion,” a movie that disappoints despite starring show favorites Eddie Murphy and Terenc

Origins: 1-10
May 11, 2016

It’s a clip show! Saunter through our first 10 episodes, back from when jazz was king and kids knew the value of a dollar — an elegant age of rail travel, chivalrous knights and mighty ocean schooners. Don’t worry, though! A new show is

Episode 090: Mead and “Dreamcatcher”
April 28, 2016

Shit weasels! Join us! Also, an unsolicited plug for the local meadery that changed Josh’s tune on honey booze: under: Podcast Tagged: cocktails, damian lewis, donnie wahlberg, dreamcatcher, honey, jason lee, mead, m

Episode 089: Sloe Gin Fizz and “The Uninvited”
April 23, 2016

Everyone’s invited to Kate’s sloe gin party! It’s fizzy fun and has Elizabeth Banks manhandling a roast in “The Uninvited,” an American K-horror remake from 2009. Join us, won’t you?Filed under: Uncategorized

Episode 088: Income Taxes and “Gallowwalkers”
April 13, 2016

Why spend that refund on a map to Skull Mountain when we’ve found it already! Join Kate and Josh as we sip the Income Tax, a cocktail that’s almost a Bronx but different enough to avoid an audit. Then we slip back to the tax-dodging days of We

Episode 087: Shakers and “Superstition”
April 08, 2016

Ever drunk a martini from the remains of the Hindenburg? Ever seen someone get hemi-defenestrated? Join Kate and Josh as they talk about the history of cocktail shakers and watch “Superstition,” a movie about a creepy witch ghost who microwave

Episode 086: Syllabub and “The Forger”
March 31, 2016

A nonsense word? Nonsense! The syllabub is a delicious wine, sugar and cream cocktail that sets the stage for Kate and Josh’s deep dive into 2014’s “The Forger,” starring John Travolta and Christopher Plummer. Join us!Filed under:

Episode 085: Shirley Temple, Roy Rogers and “Blackhat”
March 25, 2016

No liquor needed! Kate and Josh explore mock cocktails and initiate a discussion about BBC detective shows before talking about “Blackhat,” Michael Mann’s hacker thriller from 2015. Join us!

Episode 084: Green Beer and “Ricochet”
March 17, 2016

Prepare to hear the worst Irish accents ever as Kate and Josh talk about the history of adding green coloring to beer and watch the bizarre and implausible “Ricochet,” starring Denzel Washington, John Lithgow and Ice-T.

Episode 083: Micheladas and “Pathfinder”
March 09, 2016

This week, we enjoy beer, tomato juice and just a pinch of Old Norse. The spicy beer goodness of the Michelada leads Kate and Josh into the 2007 Karl Urban Vikings-vs.-native-Americans epic “Pathfinder.” Join us!