The Precursor Cast - For Lovers of Guild Wars 2

The Precursor Cast - For Lovers of Guild Wars 2

Episode 9 – The Shield and the Girdle

January 06, 2016

This week on the precursor cast…Tess makes a complicated spreadsheet, Militus runs solo and the Precursor guild freed Brometheus and we have the Bowing achievement to prove it. Time to wind it up, It’s Episode 9 of the Precursor Cast.

Intro Game:

The Precursor Guild was able to get their Guild Hall, and we have a tavern. It has no name and we need help making sure it is named. Here are the top ten names we have come up with so far.

Possible Tavern and Inn Names:
10: The Don’t Go Inn
9: The five legged stallion
8: Ye Old Pube
7. The Shield and Girdle
6: The Gobl Inn
5: The Inn and Out
4: The Knights Wind
3: The Swordhole
2: The Nobody Inn
1: The Stumpy Trumpet

Also rans: The Loading Bar, The Drunkateria, The Thristy Fish, and the Wok-On Inn

Contact Us: Tess, tell them how to do it!
website -
twitter - @precursorcast
gmail -
twitch - Wednesday at 10est, 7pst
facebook -
Sing: phone - (702) 625-1337

We are now on iTunes, be sure to let us know what you think of the show. Reviews are awesome and we will be sure to read them on the podcast, so please help us out with that. We shout out to all our 5 Star Reviews.

*Phone Call: Daniel from Florida
*Text: Merry 2 Days after Christmas. Gotta keep that cat hair short, don’t want it sheddin’--from JuggsGaming

Moment of Zen
Tess - Ascended Weapon! Guild Level 5! Living World Season 2! Started Legendary Back Piece! Mini Lord Faren, Snowglobe Shield, and Choir Bells (Neo and Xye)!

Militus - Boom got me a snowgloble sceptor weapon skin and Tess got me a Snowflake glider skin. I decided to try the glider out in HoTs, got my ass kicked, and then went back to playing choir bells in Wintersday. :)


PVP - I had this moment in ranked PVP that only happens every once in awhile. It was a tight game in Foefire map, and at about 300 points I gambled (We were down by about 100), left the pack and killed the Lord solo to win the game. Right before the other team claimed the victory, the Lord fell, and we won! I was freaking out it was so amazing.
I also made emerald. So that is good. But I had to make it using my Necro. After about ½ way through my 15 wins, the competition was getting too good for my warrior (at least how I play). I moved to Necro and cleaned up.

Neo - hooked me up with like 1 zillion candy canes to get the achievment. That was amazing! He also keeps helping with all of the stuff for our Guild Hall.

Dark - A very nice person from Europe that just started playing GW2 was hanging out in a zone and I was helping him with a couple questions. He totally hooked me up with a code to play Star Citizen. So I will give that a shot. Thanks! - My computer would not run Star Citizen. Wha Wha Wha...

PVE - One day I tried to run some HoTs and was obliterated. It is stinking hardcore.

Tess and Militus hooked me up with a Christmas present of awesomeness. Militus got me the speedo lord ferren. He follows me around everywhere. Tess got me some black lion keys and I got an entire ticket from the very first key! So now I am going to buy a fancy weapon.

Community Spotlight:
GW2 News!
This is an app for Android that has all of the news for Guild Wars 2 in one place. I did not check to see if it was on Apple as well. Anyway, we are listed as a podcast on there and you can load the app and listen to the podcast (as well as others) right from the app! Really cool. It even has the GW2 timers build in now. There isn’t a better app for all your information about GW2. Check it out!

Google Play Store - Search for GW2 News It is made by Dantes.

News, Podcasts, Fansites, Videocasts, Utilities all in one place.

Adventures in Noobness:

Militus - I was having trouble in the Dragon stand meta zerg acquiring the ‘call target” (big...