The Precursor Cast - For Lovers of Guild Wars 2

The Precursor Cast - For Lovers of Guild Wars 2

Episode 25 – To Flush or Not to Flush

April 28, 2016

This week on the Precursor Cast…Tess finally takes the good and takes the bad and takes them both and then she found the facts of life. We find out that Militus is actually the Night Rider...And the Precursor Cast needs to make a decision.
It is Episode 25 of the Precursor Cast.

International Noise Awareness Day!

Intro Game:
Name that noise.


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We are now on iTunes, be sure to let us know what you think of the show. Reviews are awesome and we will be sure to read them on the podcast, so please help us out with that. We shout out to all our 5 Star Reviews.

Moment of Zen:
“Weird Male Screams Pack - Ohm_Loko.wave” (Plagasul)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Tess - Had fun hanging with guildies last night. It was just a really relaxed, jovial atmosphere as everyone did their own thing and shared the experience with everyone else via Discord. Made some guildies giggle over “husband aggro”

Militus - Irish Pub Burger. :)

Boom - My computer crapped out. Chrome just uninstalled on its own and everything got all crazy. But I reinstalled the os in about an hour and I was back up and running by the evening. Thanks to all the well wishers that wished me luck as I fixed my PC. I actually played a little this week, but we only had a few days from the beer cast, and life is crazy with me moving to Arizona soon and all that jazz.

Militus Broke Ass Segment:
Chaos Gloves: 600 Gems!

Boom - I want a chaos speedo and bikini… Glowy junk is worth 500 gems.

The Straight Poop: * Cue New Sound Effect
We want to ask a few questions and get the scoop from our community.

The state of the game.

How do you feel about Guild Wars 2 Currently after the expansion has now hit the point where the new is all worn off?

Is there anything coming up that you are looking forward to?

What would you put into the game that would make it more awesome?


Deborah Arseneault I have to work tonight, but I'd like my jump to be separate from my smile emoticon

Ryan Tyler Loveless 1) First question is a loaded question. I can't tell whether it is directed at the expansion or just the state of the game. At the time of xpac, it was aweful. Since the quarterly patch, I'm happy. Very happy.

2) WvW updates. I'm excited for this so much.

3) Open World PvP. Don't have to flag yourself... but it would be awesome to see guilds just duke it out in the open world.

Tom Johnson 1. Still fun when I can play. I think I've played more the past couple days than I have in months though.

2. No idea what's coming. probably get a new race next expac. Hope it's the Kodan, but it'll probably be those bird guys.

3. The bitz & bling mechanic from Warhammer Online. Cloaks. New story/explorable dungeons. Also staves for thieves? nonono.. torches would've been more fun. Witchhunter's burning heretics and all that.

Kate Mangan 1. It's pretty great! I am very happy with it smile emoticon

2. Personal things? Getting my guild hall more leveled and finishing leveling scribe up (currently around 330). Getting the rest of the black lion home nodes.
Game expansion type things?