The Precursor Cast - For Lovers of Guild Wars 2

The Precursor Cast - For Lovers of Guild Wars 2

Episode 24 – The Beer Cast!

April 23, 2016

This week on the Precursor Cast…Tess gets all hopped up, and Militus gives into beer pressure and the Precursor Guild runs out of space! It is time to wind it up, this is the special Beer episode 24 of the Precursor Podcast.

It is national Jellybean day.
Intro Game:
Let’s start with what we are drinking.

10 Beer Names that Should Exist

It Burns When IPA - This would be a jalapeno beer I think.
Zulerps Blunt Brown Ale - Might taste like bong water.
Beers for Fears - More of a Cool Band Name
Greyrook’s Hoppy Seconds -
Extra Moist Honey Wheat -
Brittle Berry Lite -
Yeasty Discharge - Sounds gross, but is is what beer is. Just call it like I see it.
Gnarls Barley -
Toastacles Creamy Wheat
Frenchie’s Hoppy Ending
Meldia Star’s Malt 45

Other ideas: Beached Ale, ZZ Hop, Stout from Scratch, Malt Disney, Janis Hoplin, and Boom-Hopa-laka.

Our Message from Koltrane!

Contact Us: Tess, tell them how to do it!
website -
twitter - @precursorcast
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twitch - Wednesday at 10est, 7pst
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Sing: phone - (702) 625-1337

We are now on iTunes, be sure to let us know what you think of the show. Reviews are awesome and we will be sure to read them on the podcast, so please help us out with that. We shout out to all our 5 Star Reviews.

Moment of Zen:
“Weird Male Screams Pack - Ohm_Loko.wave” (Plagasul)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Tess - Thanks to the new changes (in particular, the ones that A. Shorten the length of contested waypoints and B. Keep hidden/barricaded areas open longer) I was able to finish my Auric Basin map completion. Now on to Tangled Depths (47%) which actually seems doable alone now…. IT’S SO NICE TO BE ABLE TO RUN THROUGH MAPS!! It’s still not easy--I almost died a couple of times to mobs--but its sooooooo much nicer! Feels like freshly-minted-80-Orr difficulty. Also, I used my 80-boost to ding my Necro from 4 to 80. Fully geared?? What??? Now I have to buy some more character slots! Revenant, here I come!
Militus - I killed a mob in Dragon stand. :)
Boom -

Militus Broke Ass Segment:
Sentinel outfit - 700

1st Ever Naked Boss Train Postponed RAID DIFFICULTY???? YES!! - MOBILE APP!!!

The open-world content of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is largely built around event chains. They give players a shared purpose, but they’ve been a problem for rewards. When the best way to earn experience and map currency is to play a long event chain, you have to play the game on the game’s schedule, not your own schedule. That’s not Guild Wars. With this update, we split a lot of the rewards out of the event chains. You can drop in and drop out and still get rewarded. Then we beefed up the nonevent rewards to ensure that there are a lot of other effective ways to play the game, too.

In updating the jungle content, we focused not just on the rewards but also on the experience of playing, especially when exploring off the beaten path. We adjusted waypoints to make them uncontested and reduce downtime, tweaked balance, and improved difficulty scaling on a host of events and encounters. We made the adventures that are scattered around the jungle more accessible, removing a bunch of locks so they stay open more often and making their completion thresholds more forgiving.

We’re fixing some other issues from the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns launch.