The Precursor Cast - For Lovers of Guild Wars 2

The Precursor Cast - For Lovers of Guild Wars 2

Episode 19 – Kasmeer’s Staff and the Goat

March 16, 2016

This week on the Precursor Cast…Tess fits the word contrapuntal into our conversation again, Militus solo’s the Icecrown Citadel and the Precursor guild rolled through like a hurricane and crushed Auric Basin. It is time to wind it up, this is Episode 19 of the Precursor Cast.

Intro Game:
St. Patrick’s Day Name that Beer
I am going to list the name of a beer or other exotic drink from a video game, and you must tell me which video game it came from. You can choose between the following games:

World of Warcraft
Star Wars the Old Republic

Tall Moff Stout
Old Squirglicker Brown Lager
Snow Leopard Stout
Cragstead Red
Stouthammer Light
Gnox Blue Ribbon
Thunder 45
Ancient Dwarven Ale
Cold Beer

Some fun names I found:
Hylek Absinthe - GW2
Brewdoo Magic- World of Warcraft
Lopp Double-Hopped - Wildstar
Protostar Clone-Strength Malted Liquor Style Beverage with Flav-O-Rite - Wildstar
Wizbang’s Special Brew - World of Warcraft
Mandalorian Black- SWTOR

Contact Us: Tess, tell them how to do it!
website -
twitter - @precursorcast
gmail -
twitch - Wednesday at 10est, 7pst
facebook -
Sing: phone - (702) 625-1337

We are now on iTunes, be sure to let us know what you think of the show. Reviews are awesome and we will be sure to read them on the podcast, so please help us out with that. We shout out to all our 5 Star Reviews.

Moment of Zen:
“Weird Male Screams Pack - Ohm_Loko.wave” (Plagasul)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Tess - 18 people logged. 18! We got 12 into the HoTs group. Eric, Mumble, Brittle, Tostacles, Mho, Meldiastar, Greyrook, Shondra, and Sheymus. An extra big thanks to Grey and Sheymus for leading and Mho for all the portals, lol.

Militus - Running through HOTs with the guild!!!

Boom - I had to opportunity to raid again. And once again I realized I do not have the commitment level required to be successful. I really think our guild will be able to run through all the raids soon. They are getting really close. I just don’t know that raiding is for me. I also found that my pocketbook has been a bit heavier lately because there really hasn’t been anything that I purchased through the sale. I put that in the moment of Zen because I saved money which was awesome.

Adventures in Noobness:
*Cue Sound Effect
"Waltz of the Carnies" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Tess - Milla stole mine! HAHA. Realized you need Commander to make a squad bigger than 10. I also realized I sing and hum wayyyyy to much while playing.

Militus - You can join a zerg by right clicking on the commander tag!!! Mind blown!!

Boom - I learned that tess knows how to get a sheep sound.

Militus Broke Ass Segment:
Chainwhip Sword--Sale 480 gems
Wizard’s Hat--200 gems
Kasmeer’s Staff Skin--Sale 480 gems
Classical Glider--400 gems

*Cue Sound

RUMOR: Free server transfers for WvW? We have not been able to validate this from any official channels, so, for now, it just remains a rumor. If anyone can validate this from legitimate sources, let us know.
^ Kind of a cool article talking about some overlays and apps for GW2...