MindShift Podcast

MindShift Podcast

Bonus Episode – Amy Coney Barrett: The Legal, Political, and Religious Ambition to turn America into a Theocracy (with Frank Schaeffer)

October 18, 2020

This special bonus episode features author, filmmaker, artist and activist Frank Schaeffer, son of Francis Schaeffer–the hugely influential intellectual evangelical and anti-abortion activist.

Frank, along with his famous father, helped to launch the evangelical anti-abortion movement back in the 1970s and 80s with their film series “Whatever Happened to the Human Race?” 

As we discuss the backstory of how abortion came to be the biggest single-issue topic for Republican and evangelical voters of today, Frank fills us in on the details–and helps explain why the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court poses such a threat to all Americans.

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Follow Frank on Twitter @Frank_Schaeffer

“Let Me Be Frank” film about Frank Schaeffer on Vimeo

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