

Latest Episodes

104: Mirrorless Revolution
September 27, 2021

Watching photography evolve in the past few years had demonstrated with computing power comes the possibility of ditching the SLR entirely and going mirrorless. Clay returns to discuss the mirrorless

103: Lockdown Computing
July 15, 2021

Lockdowns due to the pandemic of 2020-2021 has shifted a lot of peoples computing needs with working from home on their computer now a real driver for many people. We look at how it's impacted Joh

102: Podcast Lightning
February 06, 2021

A team of podcasters and developers are working on the next evolution of podcasting they call Podcasting 2.0. Dave Jones joins John to talk about their goals, RSS, XML and JSON pieces and how they fit

101: AstroPhotography
January 02, 2021

Ian Norman from Lonely Speck joins John to talk about photographing the MilkyWay with just your DSLR and without spending a fortune. We cover everything from Star-Trackers, Red-light filter removal, P

100: Oh My NAS
December 11, 2020

Casey returns to join John in an episode where we explore all things NAS - specifically the Synology. How we use it, what we use it for and how we neither of us can ever live without one anymore!

99: StarLink
August 13, 2020

SpaceX and Elon Musk have been accelerating a project to provide high-speed, low latency broadband internet around the world via Satellites and are calling it StarLink. Radek joins John to deep dive into what StarLink is trying to accomplish, why it's

98: Docks And Interference
April 18, 2020

After a brief chat about John's App-in-progress Timeless Day, Ronnie Lutes joins to dissect the problems and pitfalls of poorly shielded or cheap USB 3 devices and how they can create BlueTooth drops out, Trackpad bullet chattering, Mouse stuttering a

97: Back To The Mac
January 01, 2020

Myke Hurley returns to the show to follow on with Optimal Interfaces, now looking into application specific advantages of the different user interfaces we have available to us for our specific use cases. We also consider …

96: I’ll Do The Procrastination Episode Tomorrow
December 16, 2019

In an episode that could not be put off any longer, Merlin Mann joins John to unpick the habit of procrastination, how to identify when you're doing it, why you're doing it and how to stop yourself from doing it and get yourself back on track.

95: FOSS Social
August 15, 2019

Free Open Source Software is at the heart of the Federated Social revolution that's gathering momentum. David Chartier joins John to walk through where we are in that journey so far, the current players, the current challenges and value of having …