A Friendly Wrestling Match (Practicing PBL #8)

June 26, 2015

Join Ginger and Aaron as they wrestle with the question, “Is PBL something new?” Or is it just a small adjustment from what we’ve always considered good teaching? The discussion then leads into whether it’s a waste of teachers’ time to decide if what they’re doing is actually PBL or “just a project.” Spoiler alert: they decide that ultimately, it’s a waste of time.(http://remarkablechatter.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/11201920_10205351757132173_5659021450962067688_n-300x300.jpg)

This is a fun episode for both newbie and veteran PBL teachers to listen to as Ginger and Aaron run the gamut of PBL teacher readiness.

Aaron Maurer, Instructional CoachBettendorf Iowa
Twitter: @coffeechugbooks
Blog/Website: http://coffeeforthebrain.com/ (http://coffeeforthebrain.com/)
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/aarmau (http://www.youtube.com/aarmau)

Want more PBL from Ginger? Go to LifePracticePBL.org (http://www.lifepracticepbl.org/) or GingerLewman.org (https://gingerlewman.wordpress.com/)

You can also connect with Ginger on Twitter @GingerLewman (https://twitter.com/gingerlewman), or on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/GingerLewman).