Powering America with Chris Faulkner

Powering America with Chris Faulkner

Powering America with Chris Faulkner - Dec 15, 2014

December 15, 2014

Join Chris Faulkner, President and CEO of Breitling Energy and Parker Hallam, President of Crude Energy along with radio host Thomas Miller as they discuss news and current issues facing the U.S. Energy Industry.

On this episode of Powering America, Breitling Energy, CEO Chris Faulkner and Thomas Miller open up with Bruce Bullock, Director of the Maguire Energy Institute. Bruce discusses his thoughts on how low oil will go, what the alternatives are, what the market can balance. How low could prices go? At some point there has to be a bottom.

Chris discusses the Ruble’s Value – down 45%, and has been nosediving for weeks. Russia’s Central Bank spent approximately $40 billion over the last two months to prop it up.

Also, Congressman Pete Olsen, R-TX joins us for a behind the scenes look at the politics of the $1.1 Trillion spending bill.  Congressman Olsen voted against the bill and discusses the evidence why he opposed it.

Click below to hear more. 

Powering America Radio is heard daily on the Wall Street Business Network at 4:00 Eastern and is co-sponsored by Crude Energy, LLC.

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