Power of Health

Power of Health

EP 807 Ovarian Cancer: One Survivor's Story

September 27, 2016

Every year, over 22,000 women in the United States are newly diagnosed with ovarian cancer and over 14,000 women die from the disease.To kick off this podcast, Dr. Michael Roizen gives you a quick review of the latest health headlines... the news that matters to you most. Then, for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Dr. Roizen is joined by 20-year cancer survivor Andrea Herzberg. Every year, over 22,000 women in the United States are newly diagnosed with ovarian cancer and over 14,000 women die from the disease. The nonprofit organization SHARE supports and educates women facing ovarian cancer and provides information to those interested in learning about the disease and taking greater control of their health. Listen in to Andrea's story and find out how to protect yourself from this silent, deadly disease. Bonus! Why You Should Get a Flu Shot this Weekend