Post Session Podcast

Post Session Podcast

The Surfing Pastor with Kyle Sullivan

February 14, 2023

Show Notes

Sandy feet friendly, Kyle Sullivan is dedicated to bringing a change of heart to those around him.  As mid-Atlantic regional coordinator of Christian Surfers he meets people where they are to share the gospel of Jesus.  The girls talk to Kyle about surf and using the communion of the surf community to model a life lived well in the Word.  Enjoy!

2 Cor. 5:17: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. . ”

Meet Kyle Sullivan. Mid-Atlantic regional coordinator for Christian Surfers US.


My Wave Podcast with Kyle Sullivan

Fund Kyle!

O’Neal’s Sea Harvest Restaurant

Christian Surfers US

“Ground Swell” by Katie Lee

Surf Church Collective

Surf Church-WB

Surf Church-CB

“Called to Create” by Jordan Raynor

“Master of One”  by Jordan Raynor

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