

1.05 Jesus, aka Messiah (6BCE-30CE?)

March 04, 2020

So, using historical-critical methodology, what can we feel confident saying about the Jesus of history?
There are a few things. Friend of the show Jimmy Doyle pointed me towards the works of Luke Timothy Johnson and EP Sanders, who, independently of each other, tried to deal with the question of what we can reliably know about Jesus. A compounded version of their findings would look something like this:
1. Jesus was from Galilee.
2. He was Jewish
3. He was associated with John the Baptist.
4. He gathered a number of followers, likely with a core of 12.
5. He taught about the Kingdom of God.
6. His life was associated with miraculous healing.
7. He had conflict with Jewish political/religious leaders, likely associated with critique of the temple.
8. He was crucified under the authority of Pontius Pilate near Passover.
9. His followers claimed that he was resurrected.
I think these are all valid data points that we can build the episode on.
So, let’s dive in.


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