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The Positive Spot | Personal Development | Self Help Tips | Lifestyle Entrepreneur

#20... Positive Life Hacks Episode... Tips for a Perfect Day of Weight Loss~~Supercharge Your Metabolism With These Tips~~Can Food Help You Burn Fat?~~

September 08, 2016

Tips for a Perfect Day of Weight Loss From our diet files: Here’s a perfect day of weight loss to help boost your metabolism, burn calories, and help eliminate… From our diet files: Here’s a perfect day of weight loss to help boost your metabolism, burn calories, and help eliminate belly fat. These come from the experts at Rodale Publishing: At 7:00 a.m., have two scrambled eggs and a slice of Canadian bacon. A study at Purdue University found that people who ate a high protein breakfast felt full longer during the day, and were less likely to overeat. Then, at 7:45, hit the gym and lower your weights slowly. A study at Wayne State University found that taking a full three seconds to lower the weights can boost your metabolism for up to three days.   At 9 a.m., drink low-fat milk or have a low-fat yogurt for a snack. Numerous studies show that a diet with plenty of calcium-rich dairy products can boost weight loss.   Then, at 11 a.m. – and again at 2 p.m. – take a brisk 10-minute walk. A study by the Mayo Clinic found that lean people walk 3-and-a-half miles more per day than obese people do. At lunch, eat a spinach salad, and grilled halibut with almonds slices. They all contain magnesium, a mineral that boosts metabolism. At 5 p.m., have a spicy 250 calorie mini-meal, like a whole wheat tortilla with jalapeno jack cheese or spicy hummus. Several studies found that spicy foods help burn fat and calories. Then, at 7 p.m., take a short walk before dinner to keep your metabolism running high – and to help you eat less that night.   About an hour before bed, grab a good book or magazine, and kick back and relax while listening to music. Studies show that stress raises your levels of the hormone cortisol, which increases the accumulation of belly fat, and raises your risk of heart attack and stroke. Finally, about 10:30 pm, draw the shades so the neighborhood lights won’t interfere with your sleep hormones, and hit the hay. A lack of sleep affects the hormones that turn your appetite on and off, making you feel less satiated by food, and hungrier overall. So, make sure you get a good night’s sleep. Can Food Help You Burn Fat? Ever wish you could eat your way thin? Well, you can, if you choose the right foods. Here’s a list of foods that make it harder for the body to store fat.   Wish you could eat your way thin? Well, you can, IF you choose the right foods. Here’s a list of foods that make it harder for the body to store fat:   First: Chia seeds. You know how those tiny seeds swell up to ten times their size when we add water to a Chia Pet? Experts say the same thing happens in our stomach after we eat them. And because chia seeds are packed with fiber and protein, just a small serving can get our stomach to release “I’m full” signals long before we overeat. That’s why experts recommend mixing chia seeds with almond milk to make a “chia pudding” and then topping them with raw almonds. The second fat-burning food: Kale. Scientists say kale’s the “most nutrient-dense food on the planet," and it contains enough antioxidants to detoxify the liver for two full days. That’s key because toxins can trigger stress and inflammation, which lead to more cravings for sugar and fried food, the stuff most likely to make us fat. So do your body a favor and make a kale salad, topped with some yellow peppers and tomatoes.  And one more fat-burning food: Avocado. New research shows that the mono-unsaturated fat in avocado can help us lose weight three different ways. First, it switches off hormones that tell our body to store fat. Then, it plumps up our cell membranes, so they’re better able to absorb fat-burning hormones. It also protects our cells from free radical damage, and with healthier cells, experts say we get a healthier metabolism, which burns calories faster. Supercharge Your Metabolism With These Tips   Want to make that workout really work? Try thes