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The Positive Spot | Personal Development | Self Help Tips | Lifestyle Entrepreneur

#011 Positive Life Hacks Edition...3 Instant Energy Boosters, 4 Secrets To Make Your Relationship Last, Make Your Workout More Effective...

August 24, 2016

Need more energy? You’re not alone. Because as the days get shorter, we’re exposed to less sunlight – which our bodies need to suppress melatonin, the hormone that makes us feel sleepy. So, here are some expert tips, to give you an instant energy boost: Include some protein in your breakfast. Because breakfast sets the stage for the way our blood sugar behaves the rest of the day. Meaning, if you skip breakfast, you won’t be providing any new energy for your brain and muscles. And if you only eat something with refined carbs - like a bagel - you’ll experience a brief sugar spike, followed by an energy crash. So, have a meal that includes at least 10 grams of protein – which is what you’ll get from two hard-boiled eggs. That’ll digest slowly enough to provide steady energy right through your lunch break.   Replace your morning coffee with a cup of green tea. A recent study shows that drinking a cup of green tea gives you a longer-lasting energy boost than a cup of coffee. Nutritionists say it’s because green tea contains compounds – called flavanoids - that promote focus and calmness.   Take a chat break. It turns out, nothing drains our energy more than routine. That’s because the body needs occasional breaks from our routines to generate new heart and brain cells, and reinforce our memories. That’s why it’s important to get plenty of sleep each day. But if you can’t take naps at work, a new NASA study shows that a 7-minute “chat break” with a coworker may be the next best thing. That’s just long enough to break up your routine, and refocus your energy. 4 Secrets To Make Your Relationship Last If you take a “glass half full” look at relationship statistics, 60 percent of people who get married stay that way.     Here are 4 ways to help make sure you’re part of that 60 percent:    Use terms of endearment. A study in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that the more pet names a couple has for each another, the higher their level of marital satisfaction. That’s because pet names are something only the two of you share, which helps you feel bonded. Successful couples have hobbies in common. Dr. Howard Markman is with the Center for Marital and Family Studies at the University of Denver. And his research shows that the amount of time partners spend engaged in pleasant activities is one of the biggest predictors of marital success. And it can be as simple as cooking together. Dr. Markman says, time spent doing things together, is an "investment in the relationship" They stay connected to their parents. Relationship expert Dr. Jane Greer says that when couples feel like they’re part of an extended family, they’re less likely to split up. But there’s one exception – the couple shouldn’t turn to their family first in times of happiness or sadness. Those things should be shared with your partner first.  Successful couples take "for better or for worse" seriously. Dr. Thomas Bradbury is a professor of clinical psychology at UCLA. And he says that when the going gets tough, couples that stay together act like a team. They don’t say, “How could you let that happen?" when a spouse loses a job. Couples who survive don’t do things that increase their partner's suffering. They take on problems with a team mentality – so each person feels like there’s always someone who has their back.      Make Your Workout More Effective You could unknowingly be making some mistakes during your workout and slowing down your metabolism. Here’s what the experts… Mistakes during your workout and slowing down your metabolism. Here’s what the experts say to avoid: First, if you do the same routine day after day, your muscles could get bored. Continuously doing identical cardio and strength moves will cause your body to stop being challenged and your weight loss will plateau. To combat it, switch up your routine. For exa