Positively Outrageous Service

Positively Outrageous Service


September 14, 2019

Our Periodic Riff on Behaviors That Really Bothers Us!
Clearly not Positively Outrageous Service!

“There is a certain degree of patience and impatience in everybody. How to balance patience and impatience, and when to show which of them is the very thing everybody must endeavor to master.” ― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Hiding behind the uniform, kiosk, or desk? Your first duty is to serve! Use your position to engage, deliver what's needed, and love your customers and employees! 
Don’t project your tornado on another. Everyone has challenges - they're just different from yours!
Making false assumptions about the person in front of you. Don't forget what A.S.S.U.M.E. stands for! 
Dismissing someone because of your authority. Use your power to love, not to look down on another!  
Not acknowledging the presence of your customer. Heads up please - that's displaying Positively Outrageous Service!