Positively Outrageous Service

Positively Outrageous Service

Thank you. Thank you! Thank you!!!

March 20, 2019


Thank you. Thank you! Thank you!!! Thank you… I so
appreciate you!

We like to be thanked, don’t we? But there’s a big
difference in being thanked through a text or an email or a simple handwritten
thank you card?

When was the last time you received a handwritten thank you card? How did that make you feel? Probably valued, precious … that person took the time to hand write a thank you card to appreciate you.

Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash

When was the last time you did that for someone else?

It makes a big difference in someone’s life.

Any yet … what’s the investment?

We’re talking two to three minutes perhaps to write those
two, three sentences, address it, put a simple postage stamp on it and of it
goes – something that’s Positively Outrageous.

Why is it Positively Outrageous?

Because so few people do it and yet it’s so simple.

Some of the things we do to deliver Positively Outrageous
Service are not complicated – they are very simple. As simple thank you card
sends a big message.

All it takes is a little thought, a little effort, a little

Thank you. Thank you! Thank you!!! Thank you… we so appreciate you!

It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up. Eckhart Tolle

Want to create greater Positively Outrageous Service engagement for your teams? Check out POS LITE our acclaimed program to generate POS ideas and ownership at https://positivelyoutrageousservice.com/lite/