Poppy's Prep School

Poppy's Prep School

PPS 2: Balance

April 30, 2018

Welcome back to Poppy's Prep School! I'm SO grateful for you tuning in today!

Today we are talking all about the myth of balance.

I said it. Balance is a myth!

Instead, today I'll tell you how we can, instead, focus our efforts, prioritize and adjust accordingly.

PS: I have been working SO hard on adjusting the audio quality, I hope you like it! But if you have any issues with the quality in the future, or any other tips, please send me an email at val@poppysprepschool.com and I'd be happy to look into it for you.

PPS: Let's be buddies! Like me on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/poppysprepschool and Instagram: @poppysprepschool for all the practical tips and fun behind the scene looks! I do not disappoint!

Don't forget to subscribe and leave a rating on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play! I've got lots more great content coming out soon, so stay tuned!
