The Popped Cast

The Popped Cast

Ep. 66: Pilot Review - “Cheers”

October 21, 2019

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In Episode 66, Josh and Maureen open the episode, yet again, with another saltine update. Then, we discuss a Snack Bag topic so serious, it’s the only one on the docket this week.

In the Premiere Topic, we are kicking off a new mini-series on “The Popped Cast” that we will do from time to time called “Pilot Review.” Always on the hunt for a new show to watch together, we will watch a pilot for a classic show we’ve never seen and decide whether or not it’s worth the time to continue watching. First up, the NBC 80s juggernaut “Cheers.” We discuss our thoughts on the pilot, the good, the bad and whether or not the show holds up today. (You can currently watch “Cheers” on Netflix.)

PLUS, in our teasers, Josh recommends a great article on his beloved Washington Nationals that transcends baseball and Maureen suggests a throwback movie starring Julia Roberts.

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