Poorly Summarized

Poorly Summarized

23: ‘You Can’t Put a Microchip in a Tampon,’ with Special Guest Lindsay Goldwert

April 09, 2016

The Einstein Bagel is a lie, a mother falls in love with her biological son, illegal immigration is thoughtfully equated with grand theft auto, women keep the Governor of Indiana informed about their menses, and Mike steals a neighbor's couch.





11 ways to make the workplace bathroom a happier place
How the most successful people poop at work


Gentiles must cease their relentless cultural appropriation of bagels

Trumped up

'Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband'
Trump on pumping
Trump on sexual assault in the military
Trump on outer beauty

Deal breaker

Mother Kim West falls In love with biological son, plans marriage and babies

Stupid shit my friends post

Illegal immigration = grand theft auto

Headline of the week

Why women are calling Indiana's governor to talk about their periods

Eye candy

Great Depression-era photographs