Life Imitates Video Games: Polygoing Off

Life Imitates Video Games: Polygoing Off

Podcast Update for November 18, 2016

November 18, 2016

Bridge Mix (Nuts)
The Holidays are always crazy for scheduling. Here’s a quick update on what to expect between now and 2017; I’m committed to keeping the weekly’ish cadence, though we may miss a Friday here and there and release early or late.
Hitting Some Things, Missing Others
Thanksgiving is next week. Between family incoming, work chaos from truncated weeks and the general churn of the Holidays the Friday releases might be tough to maintain. However, I’m committed to making sure we keep up with the weekly cadence. We might slide here and there, but there will be one episode a week’ish throughout the Holiday season.
I’ll keep everybody updated via Twitter.
Rant! Rave! Respond!
The next episode (coming Monday, 2016/11/21) is a mailbag episode. If you’ve got anything to air, hit me up before then. I’m on Twitter at @Polygoing and on Facebook here. You can also text over comments or leave a voicemail via the feedback line at (415) 697-0679.
Big Social
I’m contemplating switching over to Facebook comments for the site. Do you hate that idea? Like it? Let me know.
The current comment system was built to be as anonymous as possible. An email address isn’t required, nor is a “real” name. The downside of that is missing out on replies. You have to keep checking back to the site to see what’s transpired. With Facebook (or Disqus, or whatever) it’d be a much tighter integration for fostering conversation. That would sacrifice anonymity, though.
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