Harvard Lunch Club

Harvard Lunch Club

215. Irredeemable AOC

March 11, 2019

Hello podcast fans, young and old, big and small and welcome to this edition of the Harvard Lunch Club Political podcast, number 215(!!!) the Irredeemable AOC edition of the show with your lost-soul hosts, east coast radio guy Todd Feinburg and west coast AI guy Mike Stopa. Each week we bring to you the meat, the core, the essence of the political scene with cutting insight, guffaw-inducing humor and a pinch of profundity.
This week we bring you the infamous Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, the big AOC, the woman of the hour. It is the sunset of capitalism and the dawn of a new human stewardship of the sacred space-travelling temple that we call planet Earth. It is a moment of renewal, it is a platform so sincere that the trees will be hugging us back. AOC forever!
We also have our shower thoughts (they're the best!) and naturally our hidden gem which is this week Rain by Youtube sensation Rob Scallon. Enjoy!
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