Harvard Lunch Club

Harvard Lunch Club

212. Homeless Latte

February 14, 2019

Welcome caffeine-addicts to the Harvard Lunch Club Political Podcast number 212 (!!) with your frazzled hosts radio guy Todd Feinburg or the right coast and AI guy Mike Stopa of the left coast. We are here every week to bring you the action, bring you the news, we got the mojo, ain't got no blues!
This week our topics are: 1. Gallup (yes, that Gallup) has noted a 7% bump in the President's approval rating in one month. Holy Homecoming Queen, Batman! What popularity! What for? We explore.
Then, the revolution has taken a big step backward. Panera has exited the world of "it takes a coffee shop" and gone back to capitalism. The last so-called Panera Cares (pay whatever you think is fair) store in Boston is closing. That there are idiots out in the world who honestly think this was a good idea is profoundly depressing every day. So to see thee brain-dead ideas die and decay in front of their eyes is truly heartening.
Our shower thoughts? Yes! Our hidden gem, from Mike and the Mechanics, The Living Years. Enjoy.
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