Harvard Lunch Club

Harvard Lunch Club

211. Red Faced Racist

February 04, 2019

Welcome to the Harvard Lunch Club Political Podcast for February 4, 2019 - it's the *we win the Superbowl again, ed....* uh, oops, no. It's the Red Faced Racist edition of the show, number 211, with your pale faced hosts, radio guy Todd Feinburg and AI guy Mike Stopa. This week we bring to you the unyielding Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, he the new posterboy for harmless hilarity in the Al Jolson spirit. Will he resign? Why *should* he resign? If you are a Republican who loves to see the Democrats smolder with, er, egg (or something) on their faces then you want Ralph to stay! The new face of the #Resistance! Gotta love it!
Then, Gladys Knight sang the National Anthem at the Superbowl (did I mention that the New England Patriots won the Superbowl? their third in five years? their dynasty-continuing 6th??? Well, I did now!!!)...where was I? oh, yes, Gladys Knight - she of the Foundations of Motown fame, was interviewed by Don Lemon and Don seemed to suggest that Gladys's career was going to take a beating (cf. Chrisette Michele) because she was (in the words of Colin Kaepernick lawyer Mark Gerigos) crossing a picket line...by going to the Superbowl...and by singing the National Anthem...she's crossing a Picket Line. She is betraying the #Resistance.
Are you kidding me?!!
We will discuss.
We share our innermost (i.e. our shower) thoughts with you. And the hidden gem this week is from the pre-addled age of Ozzy Osbourne: Crazy Train! Enjoy!
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