Constitution Study Radio

Constitution Study Radio

Constitution Study Radio: Lesson 24 -Losing State Representation in Congress

October 05, 2014

Through the Constitution with Douglas V. Gibbs

The 17th Amendment removed State representation in the federal government, centralizing the government in Washington, and diminishing the voice of the States.  Ratified during the progressive era, the amendment changed the dynamics of the American System, opening a path for tyranny in the central government.  By eliminating the States' ability to participate in the federal government, it removed their influence regarding their own interests, and introduced ideology into the Senate, placing the powers of advise and consent into the hands of directly elected officials.

Join Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio as he journeys through the United States Constitution, examining the concepts, principles, and direct text of the U.S. Constitution from the original point of view of the Founding Fathers.

New episodes Sunday Mornings, 9:00 am Pacific Time. Visit Constitution Study Radio for all podcasts.

Doug's book, 25 Myths of the United States Constitution is available on Amazon, and CreateSpace.