Constitution Study Radio

Constitution Study Radio

Constitution Study Radio: Lesson 22 - Civil War Amendments

September 21, 2014

Through the Constitution with Douglas V. Gibbs

The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, and the 15th Amendment protects the right to vote regardless of "race, color, or previous condition of servitude."  The 14th Amendment is where we will spend most of our time today, discussing the citizenship clause, the due process clause and the equal protection clause.

Join Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio as he journeys through the United States Constitution. We study the concepts, principles, and direct text of the U.S. Constitution from the original point of view of the Founding Fathers.

New episodes each Sunday Morning at 9:00 am Pacific Time. Go to Constitution Study Radio for all podcasts of past episodes.

Doug's book, 25 Myths of the United States Constitution is available on Amazon, and CreateSpace.