Political Eh-conomy Radio

Political Eh-conomy Radio

Latest Episodes

The return of the modernist left
January 20, 2016

In the past few years, what has been loosely called the modernist left has seen some revival. I speak with Nick Srnicek, author of Inventing the Future as well as Leigh Phillips, author of Austerity Ecology and the Collapse-Porn Addicts.

2015: Podcasting year in review
December 30, 2015

As 2015 comes to a close, here's a podcast and a post that's something in between a best of and a year in review. It's a look back at some of my interviews from 2015, both in terms of significant subjects and personal favourites.

COP21, climate inaction and corporate power
December 02, 2015

As the COP21 climate talks open in Paris, I speak with climate policy researcher Oscar Reyes on why carbon trading is misguided and Shannon Daub of the CCPA on a new project of trace networks of fossil fuel money and influence in Canada.

Climate and the state – refugees in Europe
November 17, 2015

Two interviews this week on two human-made crises: first, my conversation author and academic Christian Parenti on the climate crisis and the role of the state followed by journalist Jesse Rosenfeld with an update on the refugee crisis in Europe.

What’s next for anti-austerity in Portugal and Greece?
October 28, 2015

Two updates from Southern Europe this week: Catarina Principe brings us up-to-date on the situation in Portugal and Andreas Karitzis recounts the search for a new politics in Greece after (and under the rule of) Syriza.
