

DLD 55: Inmates running the asylum

June 05, 2014

I wasn’t on the recording this week so I don’t entirely know what happened during the session, other than the bits I listened to during the editing. On the plus side, quite a few rants included in this episode, which is always fun.

From what I can tell these are some of the topics:

  • Why is Rolo looking for Brazilian Reals in NYC before heading south for the World Cup? And would you believe that Fozz has a second checking account just for travel? Turns out that the two answers are related.
  • Can Emirates make a go of it flying out of Dubai?
  • What airline would you choose based in New York City if you were starting from scratch?
  • Why is AA having such trouble with managing SWUs on reservations for both Fozz & Rolo?

Also, both Rolo and Fozz got the name of the podcast wrong. Multiple times. So there’s that.


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