

Episode 47: Rebranding from a secure location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean

March 13, 2014

Welcome to the newly rebranded Dots, Lines and Destinations. We used to be PointsHoarder but we don’t really hoard points and the irony of that stopped being entertaining. Plus we like talking about destinations and experiences as much as the points, so we’re broadening the scope a bit and picked a new name. We’ve also updated our Twitter name (@DotsLines) Facebook page and a few other things. Yes, there will still be plenty of discussions about developments in the points world, but look for more content and more interesting discussions going forward.

Like this week’s episode.


As you may recall from last time, we were busy bullying Stephan into joining us for the Island Hopper adventure. It was quite a bit more adventure than we expected. The views of Majuro were spectacular and we expected more of the same for the next five hops. That plan was quickly derailed when our plane broke down and we were stranded on Kwajalein for 12 hours with minimal facilities to help while away the time. Fortunately we had each other and a recorder so we still put together 30 minutes or so of fun times for y’all to listen to. Enjoy!

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