The Points League

The Points League

Episode 42: Ranting and raving with Adam

June 18, 2019

1. Nipples

2. Sean's PC

3. Fatherhood

4. Rachel gets married

5. Tim hating

6.  Varied standings conversation

7.  Self assessment of Adam/Sean teams

8.  Analogy of Tim and Vandy's seasons...If you knew Eddie at all

9.  Adam fires shots at Gower/Tim

10. Tim and Andrew owe Sean

11. Sean brags about Premier League title

12. Adam discusses EPL

13. Tableau M&A

14. Sean laments Sunday;

15. Adam is not a lovable loser

16. Sean's playoff 4 and Vijay discussion

17. The enemy of my enemy is my friend

18. Kaiser chat

19. Jack discussion

20. Put people to a decision

21. Sean strokes it

22. Scooters in Chicago

23. Refereeing/The end