Podcast Pontifications

Podcast Pontifications

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PREMIUM - Vocalize For A Better Podcast Ad Experience
March 21, 2022

Podcast advertising has much greater recall than other forms of ads. But how many times have you forgotten a URL, a coupon code, or even the name of the advertiser when you were ready to take action? This podcast uses the following third-party services

Keeping Your Podcast Distraction-Free
March 16, 2022

Sometimes the advancements we see in podcasting look pretty small compared to the hype we see and hear about in other forms of media. Would you be better off jumping ship to try the Next Big Thing? I love distractions. I think it's healthy for podcaster

Where's The Churn Rate In Podcasting?
March 15, 2022

Podcasters love regular listeners. And regular listeners love their podcasts. Dependability on both sides has been a driving and differentiating factor for podcasting. But is that still a good thing? When the book I'm reading ends, I go get another book.

Who Is That Podcaster In The Mirror?
March 14, 2022

The tools podcasters use are constantly changing. But we tend to ignore changes to a critical piece of our podcasts: the podcaster. Has your podcast changed to keep up with changes in your own life? I half-jokingly asked a fellow podcaster and friend the

The Case For Making Private Podcasting Data Public
January 13, 2022

For as public a medium as podcasting is, a lot of information about specific podcasts is private. But private doesn't necessarily mean secret. How different would podcasting be were we more forthcoming? #podcasting Photo byhttps://unsplash.com/@adeoluelet

Can Podcasters Get Paid For Their Attention?
January 12, 2022

If you've ever snail-mailed a friend, you've paid to get someone's attention. In the future would you allow your listeners to pay you to get your attention, podcaster? Spoiler alert: you probably already do. More often than not, podcast tech always seems

Will We Ever Get Better Podcast Engagement?
January 11, 2022

Few things make podcasters happier than a slew of emails from deeply engaged listeners filled with praise for the latest episode. Good work if you can get it. But should you expect and encourage it? Do you want more engagement from your listeners? Sure.

Giving Your Podcast's Listeners A Public Voice With PodInbox
January 10, 2022

It's the rare podcaster who doesn't want more engagement or feedback from their listeners. But getting people to do so has been historically hard. Maybe the incentives need to change? Many podcasters try to get their listeners to leave a voicemail. And it

Writing Your Way To A Successful Podcast
January 06, 2022

Your podcast is more than just your audio file. And as podcasting continues to mature, the not-just-audio parts of your show will become more important factors that influence your podcasting success. https://podcastpontifications.com/episode/writing-your-

A Brands-Eye View Of The Podcasting Industry
January 05, 2022

Nearly twenty years in, and many podcasters still have trouble thinking of podcasting as an industry. But our problem does not plague cash-flush brands looking to enter our industry. Who's perspective will win out? Image credit: https://www.grandviewrese
