Podcast Brunch Club

Podcast Brunch Club

Conspiracy Listening List Roundup

August 13, 2020

A discussion of the July PBC podcast listening list on Conspiracy. We also share a few podcast recommendations.

Find the full show notes on the web at: https://podcastbrunchclub.com/conspiracy-roundup

This is what they talked about:

* Conspiracy podcast listening list
* The Anthill mini-series about conspiracy: “Expert guide to Conspiracy Theories”

* How to spot a conspiracy theory – Expert guide to conspiracy theories part one
* Who believes in conspiracy theories and why? - Expert guide to conspiracy theories part two
* A short history of conspiracy theories – Expert guide to conspiracy theories part three
* How conspiracy theories spread – Expert guide to conspiracy theories part four
* How dangerous are conspiracy theories? - Expert guide to conspiracy theories part five

* Psychology Today article on “Motivated Reasoning”
* It Could Happen Here podcast really freaked Adela out: about the possibility of another civil war in the US.
* Sara’s podcast pick: In Good Company Detroit is from Shannon Cason of the Homemade Stories podcast
* Out of the Blocks podcast
* Adela’s podcast pick: Somebody, which is a true-crime, investigative podcast about the killing of a young black man in Chicago. The podcast is hosted by the man’s mother, Shapearl Wells.
* PBC community podcast picks:

* Brian from Austin recommends The Darkest Timeline with Ken Jeong & Joel McHale, which is a comedy podcast about the TV show Community, Coronavirus, “and everything in between”
* Emily recommends a few audio drama podcasts:

* Minnow Beats Whale
* Borrasca
* Unwell
* Mission to Zyxx