The Power & Market Report » powerandmarket

The Power & Market Report » powerandmarket

Doug Casey | Chairman, Casey Research

July 15, 2014


Doug Casey is a bestselling financial author, international investor, entrepreneur, and the founder and chairman of Casey Research.

Interview Highlights

“I’m certainly a hardcore unemployable”

“I’ve had no alternative but to figure out what to do on my own”

“Sales is where the big money is”

“If somebody asked me for a job … I wouldn’t be impressed by a degree”

“Everybody’s going off to be a lawyer these days. I wouldn’t do that”

“I would definitely take a hard science – engineering, chemistry, math”

“Don’t stay in one place– that works for a plant. But acting like a plant is not a good survival strategy”

Sponsors A social media and publishing platform

WB Wealth Management: An independent registered investment adviser

Previous Jobs: teacher, insurance sales, exotic car dealer

Advice for young workers: get into a sales position for at least a couple of years; it’s better than a PhD in psychology

Life tip: A full-time maid in Argentina for $800 per month

References & Links