Plumbing the Death Star

Plumbing the Death Star

Latest Episodes

What are the Wider Implications of the Universe Portrayed in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
June 04, 2023

The boys watched Roger Rabbit and have questions. Does Toontown exist geographically? If we from ape, what toon from? Do they age? Can they only be killed by dip? Is it good to be pancaked? And many, many more. Once again featuring a gross misunderstandin

How Would You (For Financial Gain or Personal Profit) Exploit an Encino Man?
May 28, 2023

We know all you care about is nugs, chillin and grindage but weve gone and dug a hole in the ground and holy shit, we found a guy frozen in ice. Now how are we going to exploit this (Encino) man for financial gain or personal profit? While Dave thinks t

How Would You Use the Suicide Squad (2016) to Stop Superman?
May 21, 2023

It would really suck if Superman peeled off the roof of the White House and stole the President and flew him in a figure 8 above the White House. Whats that? Superman peeled off the roof of the White House and stole the President and now hes flying the

Is the High Evolutionary Clever at All? with Hayden Bleechmore
May 14, 2023

JD and Jackson recently went on a trip to Sydney, leaving Zammit at home and bringing friend of the show Hayden Bleechmore! After seeing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 in ultra 4D where they had their dick and nuts blown clean off, they had some questions

Which Would be the Worst Fictional Pet to Train? with Ruby Innes
May 07, 2023

Ruby Innes has stopped by the studio to look at fictional pets and discuss which one would be the worst to train. Jackson looks at the confusing world of Disney and the problems of owning a dog who is maybe a guy and having a guy friend who is maybe a dog

How Would You Deal With the Shark Problem in Jaws Better Than How They Deal With the Shark Problem in Jaws?
April 30, 2023

The boys need some quick cash so hastily wrote and also Sharks too on their will kill the following for $5 sign and as luck would have it the mayor of Amity Island was walking by with a huge Jaws problem! The only catch? They cant shut down the beach

How Would You Survive the Labours of Billy Madison’s Academic Decathlon?
April 23, 2023

The boys have decided that they could take on Eric, Billy Madison's nemesis, by taking Billy Madison's place in his Academic Decathlon. We present a lot of piss solutions to a big piss problem, play a simple game of 'pigs' to try and endear us to Veronica

How Would You Raise Franklin Richards (A Boy Who Can Manipulate Reality)?
April 16, 2023

Mazel tov! It's a boy and what a boy indeed! Three proud dads are now given the momentous task of raising Franklin Richards, a boy who can do anything, be anything and change everything. Zammit immediatley gives everyone an unnecessary lore dump before th

Which Mario Power-Up Could You Use for Personal Gain or Financial Profit?
April 09, 2023

Mamma Mia! The Boys broke into the Mushroom Kingdom and got their hands on some of those delicious Mario power-ups, now how will they use them for personal gain or financial profit? Zammit goes invincible to be a crash test dummy and entirely misses the p

What Would You Do With the Powers of the Thing aka Are a Hand?
April 02, 2023

To celebrate the success of Netflixs hit series Wednesday, the boys imagine life as everyones favourite handservant Thing T. Thing! The live-action coming-of-age comedy series Wednesday sees everyones favourite maiden of the macabre attempt to master h