The "Oh My God It’s Raining LSD" Portland Pop Music PleasureCast

The "Oh My God It’s Raining LSD" Portland Pop Music PleasureCast

Portland Pop Music PleasureCast Episose 14

May 07, 2015

(Repeat. Originally aired 12/19/13) Mark and Thomas talk about Krokodil for the very, very, very last time. Thomas and Mark state that St. Vincent is more talented than Jesus, they respond to a listener letter from Canada, Mark categorically denies the existence of a "Hawaiian District" in Ohio, a new Word of the Week plays out and Mark and Thomas discuss Saturn automobiles. Featured this week: Evil (Interpol), Krokodil (St. Vincent), Soldier's Grin (Wolf Parade), Oahu Ohio (Feel Alright), Shout it Out (Mikal Cronin), Yours Truly, The Commuter (Jason Lytle), Harvest Moon (Poolside), Second Heartbeat (Shy Girls), Diamond Look (Tops), Ceremony (New Order), Childhood's End (Majical Cloudz), Brains (Lower Dens).