The "Oh My God It’s Raining LSD" Portland Pop Music PleasureCast

The "Oh My God It’s Raining LSD" Portland Pop Music PleasureCast

Portland Pop Music PleasureCast Episode 34

December 31, 2014

In this Holiday/End of Year Edition, Mark and special guest Whitney Nash run down their top albums of the year. Along the way, Whitney accuses Mark of assassinating Mother Theresa's character, Ariel Pink's ass-holishness is debated (is he Hitler, or just a dick?), Mark admits to liking crazy tripped out shit, Mark tells Rueben Patternson to go fuck himself, and Whitney disrespects the PleasureCast by playing some tween pop garbage. Featuring: Black Skinhead (Kanye West), Digital Witness (St. Vincent), Blue Moon (Beck), Careful You (TV on the Radio), Lip Stick (Ariel Pink), How Can You Really (Foxygen), Pendulum (FKA Twigs), I Don't Mind It (Screaming Females), Stars (Angel Olsen), i (Kendrick Lamar), Blank Space (Taylor Swift), Like Apples like Pears (Say Hi).