Playlist Mix Podcast

Playlist Mix Podcast

Latest Episodes

Playlist Mix #29
April 08, 2008

Some things in life are a certainty. Liverpool win again in Europe and the Playlist Mix lands again on a Tuesday night. This week it's show 29 with more independent music for you from the US, the UK, Canada and Japan. There's also a new addition to Playl

Playlist Mix #28
April 01, 2008

Happy April Fools! The Playlist Mix is back again with another healthy dose of independent music for your listening pleasure. There's tracks coming from Ireland, the UK and the US and given the theme of the day (being April Fools' Day), I've decided to ba

Playlist Mix #27
March 25, 2008

The Playlist Mix returns with another weekly dose of independent music for you and it's a semi-special podcast as I'm marking the anniversary of the first show on You can listen back

Playlist Mix #26
March 18, 2008

If you're living outside of Ireland you might be surprised to hear that we're on a three day week! Yesterday was a public holiday, this Friday is a holy day so you've got to cram 5 days work into 3 be

Playlist Mix #25
March 11, 2008

The 25th Playlist Mix podcast has landed - that's a half century of podcasts! If I was releasing one a year that is and not one a week! Anyway, while the wind plays havoc with studio B, the 25th pod

Playlist Mix #24
March 04, 2008

The 24th Playlist Mix podcast has landed and there's music from another six great acts for you this week - at least that's what I reckon anyway! Tracks this week come from Phoenix (Arizona) to Brighto

Playlist Mix #23
February 26, 2008

Bang on time this week comes the 23rd Playlist Mix podcast. Six more new tracks from six international acts once again with music coming from the UK, US, Canada and Ireland. There's also the return of

Playlist Mix #22
February 20, 2008

A day late, a buck short.... well in fairness, it's not THAT late, about 10 hours or so but the Playlist Mix returns once again with a weekly dose of independent music for your listening pleasure. I'

Playlist Mix 21
February 12, 2008

Tuesday comes around again and so too does the Playlist Mix Podcast. As we move through February I've gone for a subtle love theme for this week's podcast. Before you think it, you're not going to

Playlist Mix #20
February 06, 2008

The 20th Playlist Mix podcast rolls around with another six acts for your listening pleasure. This week sees four acts from the US, one from Liverpool in the UK and one from Seoul in Korea! Studio B