Plan Like a Rebel

Plan Like a Rebel

029 Opening a Brick and Mortar Business in 5 Months with Alyssa Cairns

July 31, 2019

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Alyssa Cairns, co-founder and all around badass of momHIVE, a community and coworking space for moms and entrepreneurs in Grand Rapids, MI.

She shares with us her story of big life changes, and the challenges that come with being a mom and an entrepreneur.

The idea for momHIVE began in February when Alyssa voiced her desire to have a space to do focused work outside of her home, and she was met with a massive amount of interest from other moms needing the same sort of space.

Between that post in February and opening day of the momHIVE space was just 5 short months - a time in which Alyssa got a crash course in what it really takes to open a brick & mortar business, how to listen to what the community really needs, and being able to deliver on it all while (mostly) keeping her sanity.

Alyssa is JUST the type of Rebel I wanted to have on to show you that even your biggest wildest goals can happen when you lean into your natural tendencies, listen to your audience, and trust your inner voice.