Plan Like a Rebel

Plan Like a Rebel

014 Are Your Personality Types Internally or Externally Driven to Plan?

April 09, 2019

Today we are talking about DRIVE, one of the four pillars of planning that I talked about in last week’s episode. The four pillars of planning are something I’ve been putting together behind the scenes for a while, through conversations with my customers and clients, reading books and blogs, listening to a million podcasts, and really just getting a deeper knowledge of the psychology behind planning in general.

I am going to be completely transparent here a minute - I had a REALLY hard time getting this podcast episode out, because I haven’t fully flushed out the details of these planning pillars yet. I don’t have things as tidy and wrapped up in a bow as I would like. And it’s a little scary to share something that’s so raw and unfinished with you all.

BUT growth comes from stepping outside of your comfort zone, and I am going to share everything I have so far - just know this has a long way to go, but I am excited to be co-creating this planning personality framework along side you.