Metropolis » Event Planning Podcast

Metropolis » Event Planning Podcast

PP008 | Cate Richards | Team Bonding | Corporate Team Building

April 04, 2015

Cate Richards moved away from a corporate caree( to start her own businesses in April 2005, leaving behind an 18 year career in Market Research, Consumer Insights and Advertising Strategy / Planning.
Since then she has built a large and successful  corporate Team Building business (working with the corporate market) that operates in Sydney, Melbourne and soon Brisbane. Team Bonding provides fun team events for teams from 10 - 80 people and it is the most fun business in the world. Cate loves putting a lot of laughter into the world and making people happier as a result of her events.

In this episode you will discover:

* How Cate found success from a financial failure.
* Why systemizing product is crucial to business growth.
* What you can do to increase productivity and decrease your workload.

Links for this episode:
If you are interested in corporate team building please visit Team Bonding ( here.
Download the PDF Transcript (

Show Notes:
00:22 - Intro with Toby & James.
02:14 - Find out what Team Building is in the traditional sense, and why it originally came about.
02:45 - The reason why companies choose team building now.
03:09 - Cate shares the 2 main benefits of good team building.
03:46 - Discover how Cate found her way into the team building business.
04:14 - Find out the learning that Cate did before she started earning!
05:00 - The major outgoing that led to a downfall of one business but the discovery of team building.
05:15 - What Cate learnt from her original business model.
06:14 - Why Cate chose ‘Team Bonding’.
06:43 -  What happened when Cate made her initial sales.
07:00 -  The new spin Cate has on Teambuilding because of her existing professional background.
07:28 -  Find out why James thinks Cate was ahead of her time.
07:45 -  Cate talks about the all-important cost of sale.
08:40 -  Why commercial failure doesn’t mean things aren’t a success.
09:10 - Find out what GFC is and why Cate doesn’t want to remember it!
10:12 -  Find out what products Cate offers and why she has chosen a business-to-business model.
10:55 - Where Cate used her credibility as a creator of fun to position herself in the market.
12:28 - Cate talks about understanding productizing.
13:30 -  Where fun comes into Cate’s business and why customization is a possibility.
14:30 - Cate tells James how she customized an exsisting product to a specific theme.
15:22 - Why customization leads to the growth of Cate’s company.
15:43 - Cate shares her most popular team building courses.
16:30 - Discover an unlikely place you will find London Taxi Cabs!
17:15 - Find out why drumming is great for ‘teaming’.
17:46 - Discover the importance of setting up an event where people succeed.
18:30 - Cate explains the terms, ‘energizer’ and ‘icebreaker’ is.
19:30 - Discover the challenges of circus skills.
20:20 - Find out the metaphors behind art based team building.
21:10 - Find out the maximum number of delegates Cate is comfortable to work with.
22:05 - How Cate deals with volume without compromise.
23:20 - Why a smile is important.
23:40 - The needs of delegates and challenges.
24:3 - Discover how many events Team Bonding do and when they happen.
25:45 - Find out who Team Bonding is structured.
26:10 - Discover Cate’s role in her business.
26:48 - How Cate utilizes Virtual Assistants.
27:35 - Cate talks about the role of freelancers in her business.
28:40 - James finds out more about Virtual Assistants.
29:50 - Discover why ‘tone matching’ helped decrease Cate’s workload.
31:00 - Find out the secrets of O Desk!
31:40 - Cate explains how you can travel around the world and keep your job!
33:00 - James talks about the wonder of modern technology in the events world.